You asked and I answered! Here are 10 of your Q&As turned into a fun intro post.
1. What inspired you to become a photographer?
My daughter Lena, even before she was born. And my dad, who’s always been taking photos and thanks to him we have an amazing family photo collection.
2. What do you do in your free time besides photography?
I run after Lena, I plan travels, I cook and eat, and read The Witcher.

3. How do you find new locations for your shoots?
I read about local nature reserves and green areas, I spend a lot of time on Google maps, and finally, I drive around for family walks to check all these places out in person.
4. If you were an animal, what would it be?
A wolf. Running free, independent, but with strong family bonds.
5. How did you develop your unique photography style?
A lot of trial and error, a lot of experimenting, and deep down, always following my heart. I’ve been inspired by analog photography lately too - the way I started my adventure 20 years ago.
6. Do you offer workshops or one-on-one training sessions?
I don’t at the moment but it’s something I’ve been thinking about A LOT lately.
7. Do you have a favorite photo you’ve taken?
I do. It’s a photo of Lena in front of an old, green door in Suvereto in Tuscany. I retake it every time we come visit - we’re gonna do the 4th one this year!
8. Where is your dream destination to photograph?
Recently, it’s been a lot more about who and how rather than where. I’m after a feeling, a truth. But yeah, Hawai would be nice.
9. How do you balance your professional and personal life?
Haha, I don’t! But seriously, it’s a balancing act every day. Over the years, I have come up with some strategies that help, planning out each quarter in advance, having set days to shoot, and setting clear times off.
10. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
Trust the process.
And that’s a wrap! Thank you for all the questions and sorry I didn’t get through them all. Till next time!